Savage Road & Sandford Street - Underground Cable Replacement Project


A map image with a blue highlight covering Savage Road from Nelson Circle to Sandford Street and Sandford Street from Savage Road to just north of Stellick Avenue.


Project Timelines 

  Anticipated Start Date Anticipated Completion Date

Savage Road & Sandford Street - Underground Cable Replacement Project

September 18, 2023*
December 15, 2023*
*Weather permitting.    


NT Power is committed to delivering safe and reliable electricity to our customers. As part of our commitment to maintain reliable electricity, we have ongoing maintenance and capital project plans to replace infrastructure that is coming near the end of its useful life.

Recently, this neighbourhood has experienced higher than normal power outages as a result of aging underground electricity infrastructure. To mitigate existing reliability issues and reduce future power outages, NT Power is expediting its plans to complete the replacement of approximately 1900 m of cables. This will increase resiliency and improve customer experience in this neighbourhood ahead of schedule.


What To Expect

  • Due to the nature of the work, there will be construction-related noise and dust from the equipment and trucks, though every effort to minimize this will be made.
  • There will be brief intermittent power interruptions required to complete this work for which you will be notified in advance. If for any reason extended outages are required, extended notification lead time will be given. NT Power will make every effort to reduce the frequency and duration of outages in completing this work.
  • Access to the roadway will be maintained. 
  • Every effort will be made to minimize disruptions as much as possible. When the work is complete, any disturbances to property or roadways will be fully restored to "as good or better" condition. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your patience and support. 

If you have any questions, or for more information, please reach out to our operations department using the form below. 

Savage Road & Sandford Street Questions or Feedback

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